SOU Launches Comic Studies Micro-Credential


Passionate about comics and graphic novels? Dream of working in the comic industry someday? Southern Oregon University now offers a micro-credential in Comic Studies, helping students develop their understanding of comic art and narrative.

The new credential combines courses from the Communication, Media & Cinema program and the Oregon Center for the Arts to integrate craft, creativity and a critical approach to comic media.

Overhead view of hands working on comic pages at desk
Students analyze comic art via systematic annotation in COMM218

“From the smallest independent self-publishers, to the largest corporate conglomerates, comics and graphic novels have emerged as vital creative and economic opportunities in the modern media landscape,” said Erik Palmer, an associate professor in Communication, Media & Cinema program. “Our comics curriculum promotes creativity and critical thinking for fans, makers and dedicated students of graphic storytelling.”

The Comic Studies micro-credential features hands-on experience writing and storyboarding comic and graphic novel narratives. Students also learn about the history and function of the comic industry while illustrating, and writing comics themselves. Students analyze graphic novels and comic books to explore their themes and political context, developing a scholarly understanding of the importance of comics as a medium and an art form.

“The classes I’ve taken at SOU that focus on the study and creation of comics have been a super fun experience, both as a fan of comics and someone who wants to make a career of making comics,” said Bart Tveskov, a student and aspiring comic artist at SOU. “You can really tell that both professors and students involved in the classes have a lot of excitement for the medium.”

Sometimes called badges, micro-credentials help validate a student’s competency in a specific area of study. Students can demonstrate proficiency in a set of learning goals developed by educators at Southern Oregon University. Micro-credentials are often also a “stackable” experience, giving students the ability to combine these credentials to earn degrees or certificates. Micro-credentials typically involve completion of 3–4 courses.

The home of leading comics publishers and studios including Dark Horse, ONI and Image, Oregon has also become a center for teaching and learning about comics in higher education. SOU joins the University of Oregon and Portland State University in offering certifications or minors in Comic Studies.

To complete the Comic Studies badge in 2023, register in these upcoming courses:

  • COMM 218 — Comics: Culture, and Politics (Winter 2023)
  • COMM 460E — Visual Communication (Spring 2023)
  • ART 349 — Comics and Picture Book Methods (Fall 2023)

For more information or to apply for the micro-credential, check out the Comic Studies webpage at

Story by Ripley Pierotti, Community Manager for the Communication, Media & Cinema Program at Southern Oregon University.



Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University
Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University

Written by Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University

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