Mask To Mask
The Communication Program at Southern Oregon University Takes First Steps Back to In-Person Instruction
On-campus learning returned to the Communication Program in Winter term, as Digital Cinema instructor Chris Lucas offered a section of DCIN 313 — Design Problems in Sound & Light featuring regular teaching sessions at the Southern Oregon Digital Media Center. Other SOU programs have held in-person courses, but this is the first in the Communication Program since the COVID-19 pandemic triggered lockdowns across the globe.
DCIN 313 features hands-on instruction in cameras, audio recorders and lighting for film and video production, making it a natural first step in the program’s return to in-person classes following the year-long pandemic.
“The course is best when we can use our more advanced gear like lighting and grip equipment, different types of microphones, and field recorders for sound,” said Lucas. “Students need to be on campus to get the best use of that level of gear.”
DCIN 313 also models professional practice in video production by emphasizing teamwork, which is difficult when students have to maintain social distance from one another. However, Lucas helped students define work zones where they reside for the duration of class. Students also work on assigned teams for the entire term, limiting the amount of contact among classmates.
Sayre Cohen, a student of Lucas’s, said, “the biggest challenges were mainly trying to keep everyone safe and as socially distant as possible while still working in a group structure. It wasn’t too difficult to manage after awhile, but making sure to clean everything between switching from person to person definitely ate into the time we had to work on our lab assignment.”
Lucas diligently monitors social distancing practices while in class.
“A lot of teaching in this class, like any hands-on class or lab, is wanting to stand right next to the student, with the equipment, and coach them on the tasks or the work,” Lucas said. “We are constantly checking ourselves, and everyone is doing a pretty good job with their spacing.”
The course uses COVID safety protocols for film production based on Safe Sets International. Masks are required, surfaces are sanitized regularly, and students are required to remain in their work zones during class. Lucas encourages students and staff to continue using these sanitizing practices even after the pandemic.
“I’m thankful COVID doesn’t seem to impact young people as severely,” Lucas said. “I’m also lucky that I teach a topic that uses big spaces like the DMC studio, and allows us to go outdoors at times.”
Lucas said that he knows many students who are eager to come back to the Digital Cinema program and, “[the program] really wants to get our students back on campus, making films together. That’s where we excel, and it’s what we want to be doing.”
In Spring term, further in-person courses in Digital Cinema will include another section of DCIN 313, plus DCIN 321 — Cinematography, both instructed by Lucas at the DMC. Meanwhile, the Comm Program will also offer sections of COMM 200 — Communication Across Cultures and COMM 210 — Public Speaking that feature options for in-person participation on SOU’s Ashland campus.
Story by Autumn Micketti (@mountainmusicwoman), Community Manager for the Communication Program at Southern Oregon University.