Get Ready To Moodle


Faculty have now launched their Moodle sites for Fall term for nearly all Comm Program courses at Southern Oregon University,

Students should login to Moodle now to see more details about how courses will operate as SOU fully deploys remote learning this term.

For students new to SOU: Moodle is our Learning Management System, which faculty often use to support online communication in courses. If you are coming to SOU from high school or another college, you have probably already encountered other LMS platforms such as Canvas, Blackboard or Schoology. To access your courses on Moodle, authenticate using your SOU ID and password:

It’s Moodle Time logo

All faculty in the Comm Program regularly teach courses in online and hybrid formats, and we are committed to using Moodle and other technology platforms to provide a quality learning experience for all students. Comm faculty also often use other platforms such as Slack, Adobe Spark and Google Docs/Slides/Sheets to promote community and collaboration in our courses.

For us, using these tools is not something that has been forced upon us by the COVID-19 crisis. It’s already in our instructional DNA. We use communication technologies to promote learning that fluidly crosses the boundaries between in-person and online contexts. That’s how the world already worked, and now COVID-19 makes it even more important that everyone pick up practical skills in online communication and collaboration.

Some courses in Digital Cinema require student access to additional software and equipment, and also feature optional in-person lab sessions organized by the instructors. Equipment check-out and digital labs will be available at the Digital Media Center (MAP: 1525 Webster St. in Ashland)

If you are not physically residing in the Rogue Valley this term, your instructor will have additional information about how you can get access to the required resources.



Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University
Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University

Written by Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University

Earn BA/BS Degrees and Certificates in Communication Studies, Social Media & Public Engagement, or Digital Cinema @SOUAshland. #ThatIsSOU

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