COUNTDOWN: Getting Ready to Learn at Southern Oregon University


What to do before the first day of classes at SOU

In one short week, Southern Oregon University begins a term unlike any other.

With all-remote classes starting on Sep. 23, our university community will come together to learn together in online spaces. But we will also confront the overlapping challenges of COVID-19, wildfire disaster, and political divisions that define the Oregonian experience today.

The good news

For SOU students, there are a few simple things you can do that will help rise to the challenge this week.

Here is the gameplan:

Get safe

If you are displaced by wildfires, find out about SOU’s Response and Resources. If you need individual assistance to be able to participate in your classes, file a CARES Report. We’ve got your back.

Photo of tree limbs and leaves

Verify your course schedule

Log in and double-check your enrollment via If you have questions check with your faculty advisor, or interim Student Success coordinator Edward Derr ( Many Comm and DCIN courses are full, but several also have open seats if you need to add some credits, and we look forward to welcoming late adds.

Log in to Moodle and check out requirements and policies for your courses

In the Comm program, nearly all Moodle courses are now available. See this post for more details about how we use the Moodle Learning Management System and other online platforms to create rich learning experiences with our remote instruction.

Review SOU’s COVID-19 prevention procedures

You’ll need this information if you are residing on campus or need to come to campus in-person for any reason.

Figure out where the Digital Media Center is

Especially if you will be taking advantage of equipment check-out and digital labs in your Digital Cinema courses, the DMC is your hub for learning about media production at SOU.

Search and apply for student jobs on Handshake

Many campus jobs are available both in-person and remote this Fall via Handshake, including all these opportunities in professional media (login required):

Check out the SOU Bookstore for your required textbooks

The bookstore’s physical location on campus is closed this term, but you can search for and purchase your textbooks online.

Connect with The Siskiyou student newspaper

The Voice of SOU Students will resume publishing for Fall term next week. Find our student newspaper online at, or connect via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can also get involved as a paid writer, photographer or editor.

Get a smoke-free workout

If you are in Southern Oregon, take advantage of the Student Recreation Center’s Fitness Floor and Indoor Track, more details here.

Check your SOU email account regularly

So many emails. So little time. Even so, the most reliable way SOU can update you regarding late-breaking news is email, so check in frequently to make sure you are connected.



Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University
Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University

Written by Comm, Media & Cinema @ Southern Oregon University

Earn BA/BS Degrees and Certificates in Communication Studies, Social Media & Public Engagement, or Digital Cinema @SOUAshland. #ThatIsSOU

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